keePIT 100
The Story Behind the Pit
Eagan High School Pit at then Eagan vs. Rosemount football game on September 19
September 24, 2014
The legacy of our Pit echoes throughout the history of Eagan. And with the #1 Pit in the country how could it not? Since the beginning of it’s reign over the games, the size of the Pit has grown dramatically. It started less than a dozen years back, when a couple of students were pumped up during sports games. It has obviously grown into a lot more than just a few, and into rows and rows of constants enthusiasm for our school’s teams.
And where would we be without our beloved Pit captains. They have lead everyone through cheers and chants, through victories and losses. They are the backbone of the Pit. This year’s captains are Abby Gaedtke, Sydney Funk, GT Johnson, and Ryan Hassett. They were dubbed leaders by the former captains, for their enthusiasm, wildness, and ability to get the Pit cheering during previous games.
Each of the captains take their own steps towards getting ready for the games. Ryan Hassett said his secret is 5-hour energy. GT Johnson uses a similar approach by drinking Monster or other energy drinks. The boys both agreed that “glucose was the way to go”.
The captains agreed that it wasn’t terribly difficult to get the Pit ready for the games, especially because the front row is always pumped up and ready to go when they arrive. They agreed that their job is easier at away games because the students that attend them are committed to the Pit.
Although the Pit is supposed to be for the juniors and seniors only, the captains are A-OK with the newest addition of sophomores and some freshman joining in the fun. “Some of the sophomores got pretty wild at the last home game against Rosemount,” they stated in amusement.
All of the captains and the members of the Pit seem to be having a blast just doing their thing. There is also a direct correlation between the size of “The Pit” and the excitement in the air at each home and away game. It would be a positive decision to join in on the enthusiasm and cheer on our team until your voice gets hoarse.