2017-2018 Winter Blast Week

Courtesy of http://houston.carpediem.com
February 6, 2018
It’s time to celebrate… Winter Blast Week is officially here! Finally, something to look forward to in the middle of this long, cold winter. Here’s a rundown of the week.
February 5th: Super Bowl/Jersey Day. Though the Vikings didn’t make it to the championship game, there were plenty of purple jerseys on display.
February 6th : PJ Day, when everyone rolls out of bed and comes to school in their favorite pajamas.
February 7th: “Summer In the Winter” Day. The perfect day to pretend it’s not really -10℉ outside. Expect to see plenty of hula skirts, leis, and flip flops.
February 8th: Spirit Day. Students are invited to wear all the blue, green, and silver they’ve got. It’s also a FLEX day so classes will be shortened and won’t start until 8:25 a.m.
February 9th: It’s a Teacher Staff Development Day, so no school!
February 10th: Sadie Hawkins Dance. If you didn’t purchase tickets presale during lunch, they will be $14 at the door. The dance will take place from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. There will be a blacklight, so wear your neon and white clothing if you want them to glow.
February 12th: The Amazing Race. It costs each six-person team $6 to enter (and they’re sticklers about this – it has to be exactly six people). Registration is February 7-12 in the Commons during lunch.
The EHS Medallion Hunt takes place throughout the week. New clues will be posted every day on Eagan Independent’s Twitter (@ehsindependent). Return the medallion to the office and claim the $100 prize and a $50 catered lunch for you and your friends. Happy hunting!