Women in STEM Club

Courtesy of craigconnects.org
February 26, 2018
STEM is one of the fastest growing career fields in the world right now. As we are finding new ways to create and use technology, the demand for engineers and mathematicians is going up. While this may be true, the percentage of men in this field is substantially more than women, who have been left out of these jobs for years.
According to the American Community Survey, women make up twenty four percent of STEM jobs, even though they account for forty eight percent of the entire workforce. This means that women are being underrepresented by almost one half in the current STEM field.
In an attempt to curb this problem, sophomores Rani Shah and Olivia Johnson decided to start a Women in STEM club at Eagan High School. “Women are not as likely to be successful in STEM jobs, so we wanted to start this club to change that.” said Johnson. Shah went on to voice that, “We wanted to equal the playing field to make women as likely to go into STEM jobs.” In order to do this, Shah and Johnson wanted to bring successful women from STEM fields in as guest speakers. “We want them to talk about how we can bring women into STEM, or talk about STEM-related topics, and how they relate to women.” They are also hoping to go on field trips as a group to workplaces which have programs for women in STEM.
Even though the Women in STEM club is still in its development phase, Johnson and Shah have strong goals for what they want the club to look like. “We want to start each meeting with icebreakers or challenges, then go on to discuss what issues women face in the STEM environment.” said Shah. “We are hoping that the discussion will continue throughout the entire meeting.” adds Johnson. So far, Mrs. Wavrunek and Mrs. Blundell have volunteered to lead the club. This club will be a great way to empower women and change the current trends in the workforce.