What happens if we have another snow day?

January 24, 2023
We have already had two snow days here at Eagan High School. Technically, this means that we have “used up” all of our allotted snow days. So what happens if we need to call off school again due to excessive snow?
If another snow day happened, it would be an E-Learning day. Teachers would post daily work on Schoology for students to complete. According to Dr. Reikowski, this is what would happen for the next five snow days, should they occur.
When asked what he thought about having E-Learning if there is another snow day, Junior Soham Kundu stated, “I would like that better because I get to be in the comfort of my own home.” Junior Brandon Singel added, “I wouldn’t be mad about it as long as I get to chill in my chair for a couple [of] hours.”
Overall, the consensus seems that it wouldn’t be so bad to have an E-Learning day. I’m sure it would bring many of us back to school during the pandemic. However, it is a much warmer option than going to school– and you can sleep in!