Why voting is a civic duty

Katharine Anderson, Editor-In-Chief

A recent study cited by the Washington Post indicated that over thirty percent of eligible adults did not vote in the 2016 presidential election; a higher number of those voting for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. The study also revealed that the people who aren’t voting are arguably the most vulnerable; those under the poverty line with only a high school education or less.


America seems to have come to a mutual conclusion of political outrage. Online and in real-life, we constantly hear complaints that we have no say in the direction of our country, or that our elected officials are not listening to their people. Here is the truth; democracy relies on voting. Without voting, any say we have against corrupt officials or unjust policy is gone. Not voting, not being informed, apathy are all means to give more power to politicians and less to the citizen.


We live in a country where we are guaranteed certain rights; freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and, if eligible, to vote. If we do not actively practice our rights and demand they be maintained, we risk losing them all together. To quote Mr.Brook, EHS teacher and advocate for voter turnout: “Without voting, millions of people have no say in how things go.” This November sixth, it is up to you to have a say in your government.


For more information on registration, absentee ballots, and other deadlines, visit https://www.rockthevote.org/.