Word in the Halls

What celebrity would you like to meet?


Abby Cecka, Features Writer

Ben Portzen-11thAbby Cecka
Ben Portzen, 11th grade
“Justin Vernon.”

Jacob Dean-12thAbby Cecka
​Jacob Dean, 12th grade
“Bill Gates.”

Katherine Krska-9thAbby Cecka
​Katherine Krska, 9th grade
“Oprah, because she is a good role model for girls who have faced adversity and she has influenced the world in so many ways to make it a better place.”

Lexy Topp-9thAbby Cecka
​Lexy Topp, 9th grade
“Jennifer Lawrence, because everyone loves her and she’s hilarious!”

Nicole Lancaster-10thAbby Cecka
​Nicole Lancaster, 10th grade
“Harry Styles, because he’s Harry Styles