How Much is a Senior Picture Worth?

Kendra Held, Sports Editor

Senior pictures have been around for what seems like forever. Many know of rather eclectic senior photos from the 80’s, though most don’t want to repeat the fashion mistakes from the past. Instead, high school seniors are making sure that they get the best senior shoot packages possible, sometimes spending thousands of dollars to do so.

Senior Daniela Moreno explains, “I know some people go way out and I think that’s just a little excessive. I know some people that did them with [a professional photographer] and they didn’t even like them. They were like ‘I could have just had my parents take my pictures.’ I have a friend and his dad just took his [pictures] and they turned out fine.”

It’s important to like your pictures and choose an outfit and location where you are comfortable and relaxed during your shoot. Amanda McCann describes her shoot as “a little awkward at first, most likely because I’m an introvert. But as I got into it was pretty fun!”

Whether they’re spending hundreds or just twenty dollars on senior pictures, the only thing that truly matters is if the senior is happy with the outcome of the photos. No matter what, just make sure you do your research to find someone whose work you approve of and who’s in your price range. As senior Zack Broberg puts it, “Anybody can have a camera. It just depends how artsy you are.”