Genius Bar Opens in Library

Lauren Kalina, Editor-in-Chief

The school library has recently unveiled its newest helpful feature: A student-run “genius bar” to assist with technology issues.

The genius bar is a help desk staffed by EHS students Vincent Woodward, Josh Sadoff, Akin Campbell, Saumik Narayanan and Ryan Walfoort. They are there to help other students with school technology, such as computers, iPads, and Collab (Google Docs) accounts.

“Our main job is to assist students with any questions or concerns. One big thing is that kids sometimes don’t know what exactly they can do with their Collab account.” says Walfoort, “We’re here to guide them through that and anything else, even simple things like how to create an Excel spreadsheet, graph, or chart.”

The genius bar staffers can do more than just answer questions. If a student wants to use a school laptop during study hall, Woodward or Walfoort will find one and check it out for them. They even work with the administration, helping plan where technology charging stations will be set up throughout the school.

feel comfortable getting help with any questions you may have about technology.

— Ryan Walfoort

The idea for the project came from Mrs. Nagel, a school librarian. Because the genius bar just started up about three weeks ago, it is still in the “promotional phase.” This means that its members are creating a schedule and putting up posters to get the word out. Woodward, Walfoort, and Mrs. Nagel meet after school to discuss the genius bar operations.

Woodward and Walfoort work at the genius bar during their study halls, though they may sometimes be around at other times, such as after school. They sit at a table on the left side of the library, and are welcome to being approached.

“Don’t be shy at all, come at any time,” says Walfoort. “We’re here to answer any of your questions. Know that this is an environment for you, and feel comfortable getting help with any questions you may have about technology.”