Drumline Performs New ‘Ropes’ Show


Lauren Kalina, Editor-in-Chief

Recently, Drumline kicked off this years’ season, and the group is excited to get going. They had their first show at home on February seventh. The group also attended a competition in Foley last weekend, and will have two more shows in about two weeks.

The activity itself is fun, but the people are the best part

— Olivia Jones

Everyone seems to feel positively about this start to the season. “It went really well,” says Kaul. “There are obviously going to be some mistakes at our first show, but we recovered from them tremendously.”

Fellow member Olivia Jones says, “We’re already doing a lot better than we were last year, and we’re continuing to improve every rehearsal.”

This year, Drumline is performing a show called “Ropes,” featuring moves using jump ropes. It’s enthralling to watch, but this type of show comes with its own specific challenges.

“We don’t have our whole show yet, so learning and incorporating the last part [adding even more ropes] could be tricky.” Jones elaborates. “Making sure the entertainment aspects are perfect is really hard as well, like making sure everyone is skilled at jump roping.”

Despite whatever challenges they may face, Drumline is happy to be back together, working as a team. First-year member Matthew Lim explains, “I decided to join because I wanted to try learning something new with the people I love. My favorite thing about Drumline is spending quality time and bonding with these amazing people.”

“The activity itself is fun, but the people are the best part,” Jones agrees. “After spending more than twenty hours a week with the same group of people for six months, it starts to feel like a family.”

After spending more than twenty hours a week with the same group of people for six months, it starts to feel like a family.

— Olivia Jones

Kaul elaborates saying, “We really are like a family… We will bicker and we will get frustrated with each other, like families do, but through all of that we still love being together as a team.”